When hiring a Nanny or Babysitter - its always a smart idea to have all of the important information ready at a moments notice when she or he will need it. I have compiled everything that is in my Babysitter handbook and put it on here for you to use as well! I have gotten feedback from other moms who love the idea and wish they had one of these when they used a nanny or babysitter.
Find a cute binder that you like, that will be able to hold all of the data that you want to have available for the babysitter or nanny to reference.
Get some durable dividers that won't rip out easily. Because this binder will be referenced a lot, you want all of your stuff to stay put.
In addition to the dividers, you will want removable tabs.
I used these sheet protectors for all of the information that I put in my binder. That way I can easily change out the info, and all of the pages will still look great. These are also great for putting all of the emergency info in them.
Babysitters can take the Red Cross course, but this is a great reference guide for any emergency that can happen while you are away and your babysitter is watching your children. So make sure you print this off, and include it in your binder.
Having any caregiver take the babysitter course with the Red Cross is a good idea. You never know what will happen, and its always better to be prepared. The Red Cross offers an online course as well as a course that you can go to in person.
Print this page out and put it in the binder under the emergency section.
With children, so many things can happen. This Pediatric Ready Reference goes over everything that can happen. Have your babysitter read it while your child sleeps or before you leave them alone for the first time.
Children - especially little kids always put stuff into their mouth. Make sure that all of your cleaning supplies are locked up and out of reach of children.
Having a calendar in your binder will help your babysitter know whats going on for the week, or know what activities they will need to take the child(ren) to. Its also a place that they can put their vacation schedules in so that you know when they are available.
The Emergency Numbers page should include the following:
In the General Information page that I created I included the following:
Provide the daily schedule for your child. Make sure to include the following:
Make sure to document all of the instructions around the house for the babysitter.
Include the following:
Make a list of things that the babysitter is approved to do with your children. Things you may want to include:
List what food your child can eat, if it needs to be prepared and where to find it. You will also want to include what your child can drink and what they need to drink it out of.
To download the template, click HERE.
This is a list of the foods that are not recommended by doctors for children. Make sure that you go over this with your babysitter and that they are clear and understand everything listed on this document.
To download the template, click HERE.
I have organized my binder in this order (feel free to organize it how ever you see fit):
1. Divider: Emergency Contact Information
a. Emergency Numbers Doc (included in the template)
2. Divider: General Information
a. General Information Doc (included in the template)
b. Baby's Schedule Doc (included in the template)
c. Household Instructions Doc (included in the template)
3. Divider: Approved Activities
a. Approved Activities Doc (included in the template)
4. Divider: Approved Food
a. Approved Food Doc (included in the template)
b. NON-Approved Food Doc (included in the template)
5. Divider: Schedule
a. Calendar Insert
1. I put tabs on each of the Month view's so that it was easier to get to each month.
6. Divider: Emergency
(I put tabs on each of these docs and labeled them so that it was very easy to get to each document.)
a. Conscious Choking Doc
b. Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Doc
c. Poison Prevention Tips for Babysitters doc (included in the template)
d. Babysitter's Training Doc